(English) 1st dissemination event in Italy
The Forum QUALENERGIA is a travelling event, organized by Legambiente and Kyoto Club, dedicated to the energy sector, which takes place every year. From 2019 on, there will be several regional editions, and the first one of them has been organized in Palermo, Sicily, in the very south of Italy. The event took place in the former Cantieri alla Zisa, some old 19th century shipyards and carpentries which remained abandoned for many years and have been now renovated thanks to a project which involved also Legambiente, owner of three buildings which have been opened in the end of January 2019.
The Forum was divided in five different sessions from 9:30 until 18:00, facing the various aspects and challenges of the 2030 energy transition for Sicily – Sicilia 2030 – by involving business companies, universities, local bodies, the Regional government and the Ministry of Environment, NGOs. It represented a good occasion to explain the LIFE+ ORGANIKO project activities and to disseminate the results.
During the whole morning sessions on February 15, from 9:30 to 13:30, Eugenio Barchiesi, from Kyoto Club, took part in several meetings with the people participating to the Forum, illustrating the LIFE+ ORGANIKO project objectives, activities and results, and answering many questions about the organic sector and how it is linked to the energy business.
Moreover, in the first session Gianni Silvestrini, the Scientific Director of Kyoto Club, introduced in his intervention the so-called agri-photovoltaic, which can be an interesting scheme to recover abandoned plots, by diversifying its use and incomes, and highlighted once more the BIOGAS fatto bene (literally biogas done well) – project, carried on by CIB – Consorzio Italiano Biogas (the Biogas Italian Consortium) and AzzeroCO2.
Eugenio Barchiesi distributed to all participants a printed presentation summarizing the ORGANIKO activities and results, with a first part about the compared greenhouse gases emissions between conventional and organic plots, and a second part describing the children’s health trial with the organic dietary scheme. Many of them asked for further details and followup,
starting a useful exchange of expertise and competence. With those who showed interest for a follow-up, it was agreed to prepare a more detailed document, and all the ORGANIKO online references – website, email addresses – have been shared.