Widespread presence of chemical pesticides in commercial insecticides/insect repellents products: the timely new European pesticide strategy Farm to Fork

From Dr. Konstantinos C. Makris Within the new European Green Deal framework, the Farm to Fork strategy (1) recommends the gradual reduction in both the use of chemical pesticides, and the use of the most dangerous for human health pesticides by 50% in all European countries by 2030. Residues of chemical pesticides are often detected in 

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Στροφή στη βιολογική γεωργία (Άρθρο σε εφημερίδα)

Δημοσιευμένο άρθρο στο philenews.com: http://bit.ly/2MTpxZk Με δεδομένο ότι η κλιματική αλλαγή αποτελεί πλέον μια οδυνηρή πραγματικότητα με ιδιαίτερα αρνητικές επιπτώσεις, ειδικότερα στη γεωργία του τόπου μας, επιστήμονες από διάφορους φορείς εργάζονται με στόχο την προστασία του πρωτογενή τομέα παραγωγής για τη διασφάλιση της επάρκειας των τροφίμων με την εφαρμογή της βιολογικής γεωργίας ως εναλλακτική στρατηγική. Η 

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GHG emissions from organic and conventional wholemeal bread

While the organic farming is a type of farming promoting environmental sustainability, there is still a debate about the impact of organic farming on climate change mitigation. A recent study assessed the carbon footprint of the production process of organic and conventional wholemeal bread locally produced in Italy. It was shown that the carbon footprint 

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New Year’s science-based resolutions from ORGANIKO LIFE+

1 – Minimize your children’s exposure to pesticides It was recently shown that maternal residential proximity to agricultural pesticide use is associated with poorer neurodevelopment such as decreased verbal comprehension and IQ scores, in 7-year-old children. More info: http://bit.ly/2hSaLEP   2 – Increase your omega-3 fatty acids intake with organic milk and meat A range 

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Organic farming against climate change

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) of the International Trade Centre published a detailed study about the contribution of organic agriculture to climate change mitigation and adaptation such as reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and contribution to CO2 soil sequestration. Agricultural land use contributes to 12% of global greenhouse gas emissions and it is 

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Organic farming and climate change in Cyprus – Current situation and opportunities through ORGANIKO

The Southern Europe’s agricultural sector has been affected severely by climate change with visible effects such as annual rainfall reduction, increased temperatures and prolonged heatwaves. The results of these climate change effects are: Reduced crop productivity Higher pest and disease pressures Further soil degradation Increased risk for food security and resources sustainability In Cyprus, a 

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