Workshop “Organic Market in Cyprus: From the producer to the consumer”

Within the framework of the LIFE + ORGANIKO project and the 25th anniversary of the LIFE + program, we organized a workshop on June 8, under the auspices of the Honorable Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment and the support of the Cyprus Organic Farmers Association on the subject:

“The organic market in Cyprus: from the Producer to the Consumer”

During the workshop, the results of the mapping the Agricultural Research Institute conducted concerning market and marketing elements in the field of organic farming in Cyprus, were presented. The data of the first market research for organic products conducted by the Cyprus Organic Farmers Association were presented, followed by the presentation of the results of  the survey conducted by the Cyprus University of Technology regarding the behavior model of the Cypriot consumer. The survey examined the consumer’s intention to buy and consume organic products and how various socio-economic factors influence the behavior of consumers in the organic market.

In the context of the 25 years of life of the LIFE program, the Department of Environment presented a review of the LIFE + financial instrument and the opportunities provided by the program for the protection and improvement of the Cyprus environment.

At the end of the event, it was found that, in order for organic farming to play an important role in protecting the environment, the mechanisms and ways of increasing the sector in Cyprus should be promoted. The results of the LIFE + ORGANIKO survey and the available data show that organic farming is a very competitive market which, with appropriate handling, tools and strategic planning, can be significantly expanded in the years to come.

For more info:

Dr Michalis Omirou

Agricultura Research Institute